03 September 2017

From Promenade to Berceuse

Yesterday, I composed a Lullaby, although I had no idea until yesterday morning that I wanted to write any such thing. Two years ago (at a guess) I composed a duet for flute and alto saxophone for my two nieces. True to my previous practice, we might say, the music which I composed ostensibly for young, inexperienced players, proved to be some combination of technically too challenging, and musically too unfamiliar, for it to serve its stated purpose. I am sure the lovely girls made a game attempt, and it is to their credit;  but it is nothing against them, the dears, if the piece has been ... respectfully shelved.  That duet was titled, Out for a Walk;  and I did designate it N° 1 of a projected set.

A friend of my recent acquaintance, who teaches piano and organ and often to younger students, has asked if I have pieces suitable for young players as teaching material. (The Visions fugitives de nouveau will not answer here—not at all, really.)

Yesterday morning, I realized that Out for a Walk, in keyboard reduction, would serve very nicely. This opus number can thus be repurposed, and without regret over my one niece's having given up on the alto saxophone. And I felt that it was high time that there was a companion piece. Thus has been born the brand-new Lullaby.

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